Ankle Foot Orthoses/DAFOs/SMOs 


Although alternative materials are now available, plastic splints are still widely used and often offer the best combination of support and control for many people.

I am able cast for polypropylene AFOs and SMOs, I can also scan or cast for 3D printed AFOs. Whilst comfort and function are still the main objectives of either splint, 3D printing enables a much lighter weight and thinner option. 


Using trusted quality manufacturing I aim to achieve well fitted, comfortable splints that are then tuned to the footwear to help achieve the best walking pattern possible.



Often if people need custom made AFOs and SMOs they are involved with a multidisciplinary team either within the NHS or privately. I prefer if possible to continue communication with this team to ensure the best clinical outcome.



It is  essential that for any type of AFO you are able to understand how it works and I will make sure you get this time. Time will also be needed to get used to any change in your walking pattern. If you don’t have anyone to help with this then I can put you in touch with the most appropriate person to help.