Dynamic Foot Pressure Scanner
As part of any of my Orthotic Assessments at Pyramid Performance I am now able to take dynamic pressure scans of your feet whilst walking or running. This state of the art equipment will not only give me hugely valuable real-time data of how you walk, it will enable you to visually see what is happening as I then link it to what I have found during my clinical assessment. 

The RS Scanner can be used to look at your static pressures, your balance as well as your foot pressures as you walk. It can also be used to compare how and where your foot lands as you run. 


If you are diabetic, foot care is essential. You may check your skin and nails for callouses but did you know your foot shape and how you walk can also put your feet at risk of sores and ulceration. The scanner can be used to obtain images and data highlighting those areas of higher risk. This data can can then be used to guide an insole or footwear prescription if wanted or just help you become more proactive in your own foothealth.


The data can also be used as part of neurological and sports rehabilitation to track progress and give some real time visual feedback on weight and balance distribution. 



The scan data can be utilised in the production of some of the most advanced Orthotic Insoles in the industry ‘Phits Insoles’. They are the only kind that use the dynamic data from the scanner to assist in the design of the 3D printing. Phits insoles have a huge range of prescription options enable them to be used for a huge range of conditions and injuries as well as for all styles of footwear and sports shoes.